Sunday, August 19, 2012


Family picnic = free lunch/ dinner! And a good one at that.

I redeemed a second empty coffee bag for a free coffee this morning. On that note I noticed that I've a box of tea that's been sitting around A LONG time. Until I finish that box of tea I plan to not drink any coffee (or buy any new beans).

I ate a bagel and some cereal while anxiously awaiting the picnic. And miraculously I've pulled off two no spends in a row!!!

Oh, the mini victories feel so sweet. I've $32.58 left for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I was not planning on today being a no spend so I am going to shoot for one more during the next three days.  

woo hoo!


  1. That's awesome! :)
    I've often thought I should schedule regular no spends, like maybe once a week.
    P.S. Today is so far a no spend for me, but I think we'll go to the store in a bit to get some potatoes.

  2. How do you keep track of your spending? do you have a budget system or just manually writing every thing? I'm looking for budget planners online and the best one I've found thus far is at;
