Thursday, January 10, 2013

coffee coffee coffee

Today was a bit rougher. Two days a week I leave for work and my husband is home with the baby. I don't mind leaving for work at all when my son is with his daddy. In fact I like them spending time together without me. The other three days my mother in law comes over and watches baby Abe. I'm SOOOO glad he's not in day care and that he gets to spend three days with his Grandma but it's difficult leaving his with anyone other than his daddy.

I was feeling emotional at work all day, a bit depressed, and it was a late day (didn't get home until 7:30PM) which always drags on sooo much. I wanted to buy everything, and eat, and eat, and eat. I'd pretty much decided that I would purchase the dreaded money eater "Starbucks mocha" on my first break until I came up with a little compromise. I did buy a coffee (the first one I've purchased this year) but a plain black $1.75 cup of coffee and a chocolate bar to accompany it. My little indulgence costs about half of what the mocha would have and quite frankly was just as enjoyable if not more... Oh my gosh I just realized I had a Starbucks gift card in my wallet all day. grrr

All in all I experienced a long, dragging, draining day... but it's Thursday and the weekend is just a day away; two whole days with my boy. I cooked dinner at home, AGAIN. I'm quite proud of myself for this regular accomplishment thus far this year. And I spent very little, again. I took this week's spending cash out of the bank and my cash envelope is ready to go. I know that VERY soon I'll be purchasing two bags of dog food and I want to be able to stay within $12 a day despite the upcoming expense. In 2010 whenever I was doing well the darn dog food would always creep up and ruin it for me. I'm planning a bit better this year I think.

Average daily spending for the year so far: $10.42

Off to bed!

Today's lovely: Quite late dinner of home baked Mac'n'cheese (my Grandma's recipe).

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