Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Ramblings

This year's tomato seeds are well on their way. I have these little guys set on the kitchen window sill behind the sink. Same as last year. It's official that one of my greatest joys during the spring season is watching the little sprouts on the kitchen window sill lean toward the sun and get bigger and bigger each day. I love seeing the start of new life, new fruit, new growth in it's very beginning stages just sitting there in the sunshine each time I need to use the sink for anything. For me this is pure joy.
(for the record, seeds grow really well in egg cartons and old strawberry containers. (I poke a hole in the bottom of each egg holder))

Speaking of little sprouts, I used some dollar store construction paper to cut out letters and rectangles. My little sprout glued each letter in place. He may have adhered a few hanging off edges and he might have glued down one of the 'P's backwards. It made the "Happy B-day Daddy" sign all the more personal. I wasn't expecting Abe to glue all the letters down. I thought he'd lose concentration after the first six or so. Nope, he did every single one all on his own. I'm not sure how much my husband loved it but we're quite proud of ourselves and our efforts and for that I'm giving us a pat on the back and two gold stars. It turned out really cool. (I love being frugal)


  1. I am sure your husband loved it! How many people are loved so much that they command a little guys attention for that long on something that doesn't involve cars, and trucks, and loud sounds!

    1. What a great way to think about it. You're right!

  2. I can't believe how big Abner is growing - his legs look as though they go on for ever! When I first started to read your blog he was little more than a toddler but he's quite the young man now. Maybe he will inspire the tomatoes.

    1. I can't believe it either. Daily, It does not feel as though he should be as big as he is. Like the little sprouts only on a much grander level he amazes me so.
