Wednesday, May 15, 2019

burnt toast

Yesterday's WIN meant heading to my sister's again. She has a pretty big yard, at least three times bigger than ours. On Sunday I mowed the lawn at her house. Yesterday we finished mulching her beds, trimmed the front boxwoods, and seeded the bare spots in the lawn. I think the biggest thing about yesterday's win was making myself get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. I find it really difficult to be productive after work so it really is a nice win when I can get outside and enjoy life on work days.

I guarantee you there were several FAIL's yesterday I mean we're talking about real life here but I can't think of any so I'm going to give myself a lovely pass in the fail category.

Last night while I was feeding the baby my kiddo made a surprise for me in the kitchen. He was being secretive so when he was finished he say's, "Mom, I'm hungry. Can we go in the kitchen and look for some food?" I could tell he was up to something so I agreed. When we got in the kitchen I saw that he had hung a sign from the counter that said, "for mom." Directly above it was a plate with a slice of peanut butter toast and three crackers. Then he say's, "I tricked you. I'm not hungry but I made you a surprise." Now, did I really want to eat slightly burnt toast with peanut butter and three crackers on the side right before bed? Uh... It doesn't matter. It was the sweetest thing!!! And he's so stinkin cute! It was the best strange bedtime snack of a lifetime and one of the best SPICEs yet. Who'd a thought burnt toast with peanut butter and crackers could be such a sweet spice?


  1. I'm so pleased that you couldn't list your fails! And I think Abe is wonderful!

  2. I just saw that you've been blogging again and it makes me so happy! I love the idea of a Win, Fail, Spice post. I need to do this too. I have a three year old boy and there are so many wonderful things that happen and I want to keep a record of it. Your spice for today is absolutely adorable! What a sweet boy. :)

    1. Thanks! Three years old is the best age. It is very hard to keep track as time flies by. It's amazing how quickly they go from three to seven!

  3. Yay for the win, spice and this series!
