Sunday, December 4, 2016

His name is Frank the snowman

He looks super grouchy, I know.
But his name is Frank the snowman and we sure had fun making him.

Today was the first real snowfall this winter. I mean, snow has fallen a few times, maybe three but it hasn't really stuck. This evening it began falling. The big wet sticky kind of snowflakes that are perfect for making snowmen and snowballs and snow forts. We call it snowman snow. It was after dark by the time a good few inches had collected but we headed out for the event my son has been waiting months for. One hour, one snow man, too many snowballs to count, and two very, very, wet and rosy cheeked individuals later our first snowy day is in the books.

Today has been really great. I spent a TON of time working on this year's Christmas card (it involved taking the dog to the beach to get a few photos). I'm just stoked that I finally decided on what to do for the card. Our old man Bozzy had a wonderful time running around on the shore with little Abe. I'm glad we got there before the snow! Our snowy shenanigans this evening were memory making. Of course hot cocoa with mini marshmallows was enjoyed after. And now I have a very tired grouchy boy. I think I may have "overworked" him (little Abe that is). Haha, I guess you can't win em' all.

Time for bed!

OH, and remember to take a sec and vote in the Christmas card poll above.


  1. We had our first snow as well, but seems like getting a snow man might be impossible as it is melting quickly. I hope you post what you decided upon for your cards.

    1. Frank has officially melted into an unrecognizable pile. I'm even more glad now that we ventured out in the dark last night for our hour of fun in the snow. Little Abe would have been so angry with me if I'd made him wait until today and now there's no snow.

  2. That looks like a wonderful day! No snow yet here. But I've got the marshmallows and chocolate ready for when it does.
