Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's Resolution: I DON'T CARE!

Maybe it's horrible but I'm serious, oh no, not that I don't care about resolutions. On the contrary, that is my resolution. I don't care!

Yesterday at work amidst chaos and after a HORRIBLE start to the day/ year  I found myself telling a co-worker, "my new year's resolution is that I don't care." It sounded silly but my oh my did I love the sound of it.

I wear A LOT of hats, or at least I try to. I juggle a ton of things all day long. But to be honest I can't juggle very well. This year I genuinely want to go through life declaring at almost every occasion where I'm about to pull my hair out, this close to losing my temper, just about to physically feel my blood pressure rise (the list goes on): I don't care.

To be clear, I do, but so far it's felt really good to say it because for some reason these three little words really do help me let go. You know that famous Disney song? It's something I'm not good at.

When my son takes a bath and I remind him three times beforehand to keep the water in the tub only to walk in 15 minutes later to a soaking wet bathroom floor: I don't care.
When something at work makes absolutely no sense (in fact it's complete non-sense) but we all have to go along with it anyway: I don't care.
When it's 8PM and there are still twenty things un-done but I need to let go and move on with the night: I don't care.
When I could clean all day (to be honest I could do that everyday) but I should spend some good quality time with my kids instead: I don't care about the mess (it can wait). I don't care.

I could do this all day so I'll wrap it up. There it is. Maybe it's awful but I don't care.

Happy New Year! Hoping a really great 2019 for all of us.


  1. You have 2 young children and really and truly should not care about the minutiae. Life is short and kiddos grow fast.

    1. It's amazing how no matter how old one gets there is still learning to do, every single day. This year I think I'll be learning to let go more efficiently. Sounds silly but I'm so serious.

  2. Finding ways to not let things bother you is an awesome goal. I have dabbled in meditation before (I use Headspace - an app on my phone, & love it). I find that it helps remind me to not sweat the small stuff.

    Happy New Year to you & your family. Hope it's an amazing year.

    1. Happy New Year to you guys as well!

      I think I need a new mantra each week, something to bring my head back in the game when I start to focus on the dumb stuff. I'm just starting with the I don't care thing :) but its been working pretty well so far.

  3. I look forward to seeing how this resolution works out!
