Friday, July 26, 2019

summer is dragonflies in blueberry fields

Blueberry picking season has just begun here. We went picking on Wednesday with some friends and brought home a bucket full of beautiful berries. It was a lovely hot day and the bushes were covered with berries. They'd fall off the branches right into the buckets if you gently grabbed ahold of a bunch and slowly pull them off. The kids had fun chasing dragonflies and eating handful after handful of freshly picked berries. It was a fantastic outing!

My favorite childhood summertime dessert was blueberry crisp. Okay, lets not kid ourselves, here in Michigan we end up with freezers full of frozen berries from the summers harvest and we eat blueberry crisp in the winter too.

I couldn't resist letting today be blueberry crisp day. It's a simple dessert to whip up but SOOOO yummy. Abe and I enjoyed making this one together AND eating it together.


  1. And, where is the recipe for that beautiful blueberry crisp?

    1. I found one online and it turned out just about perfect EXCEPT there was WAY too much sugar. I didn't want to post the recipe I used since I'd like to try it a second time with considerably less sugar. Then maybe I'd post it. AND you know there's a lot of sugar when you hear that coming from me. I'm a sugar freak!

  2. Blueberries are lovely but I rarely buy them - they're rather expensive here. Your children look as though they are really enjoying their day out and the fruit as well. What is the topping made from? It looks a it like what I would call a crumble. (Flour, butter, sugar and maybe some oats.)

    1. They are expensive here too even though we live in a VERY blueberry rich area. They're cheaper right now at harvest time and they're cheaper when you go out and pick them.

      The kids had a ton of fun picking berries.

      The topping is like you said, like a crumble. Flour, butter, sugar, and oats. I think here It's more often called crumble or cobbler if there aren't oats and crisp when the oats are added.

  3. Yum! The dessert looks delicious. Your children look so happy!

    1. Definitely one of my favorite desserts even though I hardly ever make it because my husband doesn't like berries and then me and the kiddo have to eat the entire thing ourselves, which we did this time AND I'm not complaining :)
