Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Today's Huge Adventure

We just went to the store, little Abe and I!!! Do you know how long it's been since I was able to run to the store while my husband is working? It feels like forever and I am honestly on cloud 9 right now just because we were able to return bottles and pick up a few potatoes/ leave the house on our own. It felt like traveling, so much freedom, so much empowerment! It's been so long.
Here's our new Jeffrey car


  1. Congratulations on your new "Jeffrey" car! I remember when we got our new (well, new to us) car- it is a great feeling! So happy that you can now get around whenever you want/need to. :)

    1. It is a great feeling! One thing about struggling through certain situations is there's such an abnormally large sense of greatness on the other side of them. And Jeffrey is a "new to us" car as well; a 2008.

  2. I remember the one car days and I had a bike to take the 4 year old to the sitter. get to class, go to work, go back to class, go pick up child, go home, of course I weighed 100lbs as a result but I really loved it when we got a second car.

    1. My husband actually used to bike to work often when he worked in town. Now we both work rather far away from home. My goodness, biking around a four year old (and yourself) like that... WOW!!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)))) So happy for you!

  4. Beautiful car! I can imagine the freedom it represents. Good for you going for used. I will never buy a new car again!

    1. Thank-you. My husband agreed to buy it before I saw it and I'm pretty excited that it's actually really cute. And It does represent so much freedom. Especially since this winter was so long and frigged. The past few months that we haven't had a second car I couldn't really get out of the house if I wanted to/ could not walk anywhere for sure. It's weird what having to do everything so scheduled and not being able to run out for this or that will do to a person. I'm giddy!
