Saturday, November 21, 2015

First Winter Snowfall

When I'd mentioned yesterday that I hoped to go nowhere today,
I'd envisioned myself not leaving the house.

The snow began sticking to the ground this morning as this little one watched out the window.
He asked at least 700 times if we could go out now.
It was really perfect snowman snow. What could I say?

"What's it taste like bud?"

"What do snowflakes taste like?"
"Like BRRRRR!!!"


  1. He is adorable!!!!! SO so cute.
    Have fun and stay warm.

    1. Thanks! So far so good. Had fun and are staying warm :)

  2. Oh how adorable!!! I can't even IMAGINE what you are going was 72 here today :(

    1. It was in the 60's here on Thursday but that's Michigan. It's not too cold here today. I think we were outside for about an hour and it was really comfortable (yeah, we're more used to colder weather then say folks by you would be). When it gets into the negative temps then we start getting locked indoors. This was a good day for playing outside though! The snow is supposed to all melt by next week.

      It's funny how we can have 10+ inches on the ground on and off throughout November and December and then have no snow in sight for Christmas. There's even a local jeweler that does a sale every year, I think it's for one random day, they guarantee that if it snows on Christmas (like not that there's snow on the ground but if snow falls from the sky) then you get your purchase for free (price refunded). Silly Michigan!
