Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Orange Sherbet Melon

I did get the Bidwell Casaba melon seeds that I blogged about earlier (of course). My little helper planted three of them for me last week Monday, March 14th. I've been keeping them in a juice container on the window sill that's too high for him to see into so he's been asking me everyday for a week if his seeds grew yet.

Today, one week and one day later we have two little green sprouts. Last year when the tomato seeds first sprouted I was so excited. Seeing that little green pop from the soil as the first tucked under leaf was trying to tip it's head towards the sun was extremely exhilarating for me. I was none the less excited today when I noticed the first sprout in the melon pot. Hooray for life! Hooray for spring! And Hooray for home grown food. This is so exciting!


  1. As an amateur genealogist I can't see why you wouldn't buy THOSE seeds! lolz
    I hope you actually get some fruit when all is said and done....

    1. I am elated at the wonderful connection! I hope to get some fruit too. Only time will tell. I may have made a mistake but I planted the seeds early and intend to baby them along so that they can go to fruit during the hottest part of summer as they should. Our growing season here is quite short so while melons can be grown here it's more difficult as they like to fruit during heat. Ahh, we'll see...

  2. I am so glad you got those seed. the family connection was too strong for you to not get them! Your son is more than adorable!

  3. What a cutie!!! And the plants aren't bad looking either.
    I can't seem to ever grow anything from seeds. It's just me really. BUt the amazing thing is I managed to keep a basil plant alive all winter!

    1. Great job with the basil! I grew a basil plant outside the first year I gardened and I could NOT keep the thing alive. It was ravished by June bugs and I could not deter them.

      Last year was my first attempt at planting from seeds and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out but I couldn't get any of the flower seeds that I'd planted to grow. I tried three rounds of lavender and nothing, along with a few others that also didn't grow.

  4. I can't wait to see everything you end up with and good for you for getting the little man involved!!!! My potatoes are going CRAZY - I'm so excited, I've never tried potatoes before!!!

    1. Last year he joined in most of the gardening adventure but this year I absolutely intend to let him do more himself. I love watching him learn about real life things like gardening and cooking, things that people seem to be taking less and less interest in. And he enjoys every minute of it.

      Hooray for the potatoes! I want to see pictures! You really should blog. Between your homemade gifts, cross stitch, garden, and super fun personality you've already got a winner on your hands!

  5. Yay for spring, and you two lovely gardeners! :)
