Sunday, June 2, 2019

we have a walker

WIN: Decluttered the dining room. Oh my goodness it feels so nice to have stuff cleared out of there. Hooray!

SPICE: (I like to end with the spice but I have to list it first because it's related to the fail) Baby girl started officially walking. She's been taking a few steps to us and she's been taking a few steps from one item to another but yesterday she started actually walking through the room. She's doing that adorable little penguin walk with her hands in the air but she is very officially walking. This is such a delightful spice. How many times in ones life does someone experience their child walking for the very first? Amazing!

FAIL: I didn't even think to call my husband at work when baby Wren started to really officially walk. I mean, she has sort of been walking for a bit now. When he got home she was in bed for the night. I told him that she started walking around the room and he was pretty annoyed with me for not having called him at work. Ooops


  1. This is lovely news! There'll be no stopping her. Hope you've got good running shoes yourself.

  2. Walking is exciting, and a double edge sword!

  3. Love the spice! To your point, it's easy to get caught up in the moments, vs stepping back to appreciate how rare & exciting this time is in your life.
