Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yesterday we signed on the refi. Friday the new mortgage will be final. Next month we don't have to make a mortgage payment and we will be debt free in less than 15 years. Oh and did I mention that I have the greatest son ever!

All the little headaches, grrr moments, fears about going  back to work, ect; no big deal. We can do this! Hooray for breakthrough moments in life like this.


  1. You are doing so well, I am proud of you!

  2. Debt free in 15 years! That is a real great outlook. And the way you are doing, it will be great besides anything money. Kids are just so wonderfull!

  3. Awesome for you that the bank offered you such a great deal! Debt free in 15 years is wonderful, and skipping a payment is great!
