Thursday, April 16, 2015

Stats (at least in my world they'd be considered as much)

Little Abe and I have spent over seventeen hours together outside this month playing in the dirt and digging for worms (mostly on his part), doing yard work and gardening (mostly on my part).

I've had ONE no spend day this month. Well, my goal is shot but I'm not lamenting letting the no spend days fall by the way side either. I can only lend my focus to so many things at once and apparently no spend days fell off the radar this month. I'm okay with that.

I've spent $18.76 on gardening supplies this month; that's seeds, seed starter soil (whatever its called), and one plant. I've also re-used a lot of what I already had around the house for yard and gardening purposes, saved plants and soil that I would have normally gotten rid of while cleaning up the yard, and am doing a lot of dreaming about what I might create outside this year with things we already have on hand. I am VERY excited about this year's growing season!

Maybe just because it's finally gotten a bit warmer we've been eating some pretty simple light meals around here (maybe also because we've been spending so much time in the yard) but I have baked four loaves of bread, a wonderful batch of pretzels, and a tin of wonderfully moist blueberry muffins. Yes, I often measure my success around the amount of baked goods in my home.

Little Abe and I have only two chapters left in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. I've had such fun reading it with him. We'll move onto the next book in the series once we've finished reading this one.

So far, and having made it just half way through, April has been a lovely month. I've not all the time felt so upbeat and cheery but I've loved every minute with my boy and every minute spent in the fresh air outdoors (we've both got a little extra color in our cheeks now), and I'm happy with everything I've whipped up in the kitchen. For the second half of the month I think I'll try and limit the computer time more, which was a goal that I did not meet during the first half and try to give a bit more attention to the inside of the house as well... maybe.
: )

Average daily spending for 2015: $17.57
$153.33 left to spend in April


  1. Money spent on gardening is money well spent. You will eat what you grow and its a great hobby. Plus you will spend less next year.

    1. I totally agree on all those points. And so far everything in the above "money spent on gardening" is stuff I will have in the yard or be able to use for gardening again next year. That makes your point on spending less next year spot on.

      It's also becoming a hobby that I love and that I LOVE to share with my son.
