Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Let's say I wanted to pose a challenge to myself to end this year with an average spending of $16.99 a day. I'm finding myself averaging out at little over $18 a day. I'm starting to hate that number. My desire each month seems to be to get under $18 a day and into the $17 range.

$16.99 a day sounds to me not only like a sweet number to end on but a triumphant number.

A goal of $16.99 a day leaves $2017.15 to spend for the rest of 2015, or in $12 a day speak that leaves me $13.36 a day. Considering that I'm regularly coming in around $18 a day THAT is a challenge.

Am I up for it... hm, I don't know but I have begun to ponder.

Average daily spending for 2015: 18.42 (Yuck)


  1. That sounds like a very demanding challenge. You would have to reduce your spending by well over $2 a day to achieve that average over the year. Can I suggest a slightly higher target? I've been trying to think of a number which is sort of random and sort of significant and I wonder of something like $17.76 would be more realistic for you. You will still need to reduce your spending significantly but you would have a little bit or wriggle room and maybe you could drop back to $16.99 next year. Feel free to delete of course, but I'd hate you to set yourself up for failure!

    1. I agree, that's why my post is pondering. I don't know what would be reasonable but I feel like I really need to challenge myself to spend less. I suppose I could shoot for $16.99 a day from here on out instead of trying to drop all the way down to $13.36. Hm, I need a challenge but I don't want to set myself up for failure either. (that'd put me at $17.42 for the year, haha, your goal is still higher than that... I like yours better)

    2. Thank-you Frugally Challenged :)

  2. How about aiming for $16.99 and being ESTATIC with anything under the $18 mark? That way you are well under where you want to be but still have a challenge for the rest of this year and next year? Any way you look at it, as long as you try, you have already won!

  3. I am curious about how you come up with your figures. I have been trying to plot a course of daily expenses. Do you include your house payment and utilities in your daily rate or are they exclusive of your total? When I add everything together I am shockingly higher than 18 dollars a day.

    1. Oh goodness I do not include any bills. The average daily spending is actual "spending" with a few exceptions. I don't include any bills in my spending budget, like mortgage, utilities, and insurance. And since I also drive for work I don't include automobile expenses. The only other thing I can think of is medical, I don't include medical. If you go to the tab at the top of this blog that says 2015 purchases you can see my spending categories and what I've spent.

      I know tons of people spend way less than I do, which is one of the reasons I know I can spend less with MORE effort but I do work really hard to keep my spending down.

    2. Thanks for answering. I was honestly trying to figure out how much it cost me daily to live and my total was much higher. Now I can at least breathe. I knew we had some extravagances in life but I didn't think we were that financially crazy.
