Friday, May 29, 2015

Three Big Happy Smiles/ Weekend To-dos

When a new friend brings greetings of cheese from a cheese factory tour in Wisconsin. <Enormous smile!!!> Everyone knows that Wisconsin is famous for their cheese. And everyone knows I'm in love with cheese (right? everyone knows that right?). SOOOOOO Yummy!!! (I only wish I'd have thought of an appropriate gift... however one can only do so much brain storming with a cloudy brain)

My carrots! Lovely, cute, glorious carrots! (tiny carrot toppers at least) I'd said there were about 30 in there. I've actually counted 60. I guess my estimate was off by a few.

The newly discovered money plants in our backyard have recently started to grow their famous money plant coins. I'm giddy, truly giddy! I really could not be more excited about a plant that just mysteriously planted itself in my back yard.

On another note, my last week-end to do list took over a week to tackle but posting it certainly helped motivate me so I'm posting a new one this week.

  1. Plant watermelon seeds out back.
  2. Tidy up the yard.
  3. Really clean up the kitchen.
  4. Mail out one friendly hello.
  5. Start starfish pillow.
  6. Finish starfish pillow.
  7. Bake something... bread, pretzels, something fun and yummy but maybe not super sugary.
  8. Catch up and keep up on daily Bible reading (trying to read through the Chronological Bible in six months).
  9. Clear off the buffet and dining room table (much bigger job then it sounds, sadly).
  10. Weather permitting, GET OUTSIDE BUNCHES! We spent a TON of time outside during April, not so much in May however and we need to get out there more again.
  11. Look through June's budget and set spending goals.
   12.  Tackle my bedroom closet; ooh, scaaaary!

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