Monday, May 4, 2015

Big helper reward number four (I think)

The cotton balls in the big helper jar reached the line again today. I'm secretly really thrilled that the dollar store is my son's very favorite store. Today he picked out a squirt gun and since he already has one he and I spent a good long time squirting each other with water in the back yard this evening. It was so much fun. I am such a big dork!

Once we were through soaking each other with water (no, it was not super warm today BUT warm enough) he found a good line up of ant hills to attack. I think he spent 30 minutes ant hunting. I rather enjoyed sitting in the grass and watching him the entire time.

Today was a very good day. I think I might like big helper reward day as much as he does. I also think he said, "Mom I really like my new helper reward," about a hundred times this evening. A dollar sure can provide a lot of fun!


  1. And, if I may add, that is a pretty neat looking squirt gun for $1!!! Look out ants :)

    1. Our dollar store is honestly REALLY great! It's the only store I really love to browse in. I know I won't leave having spent too much and I'm always trying to catalog things there in my head to remember for later, "ooh, that have THAT here too. I better remember for when I need one."

  2. The dollar store may be my favorite store too! Two for $1 greeting cards, Shasta diet soda, and just bought a best seller novel from 2012 Jack 1939 for brothers birthday. Sure not all is bargain, but with scrutiny bargains to be had.

  3. I'm jealous! It is AGES since I had a watergun fight! I want to be a big helper too.
