Saturday, February 8, 2014

Average Daily Spending This Month

Yes, eight days in and this is my first financial update of the month. I've really been struggling. The time crunch involved with not having childcare has encourage us to eat restaurant food a few times already. Not cooking at home is a killer. I've bought pop at work at least 4 times (that's $1.69 a pop; adds up fast). And just about everyday I've picked up groceries but I haven't been having $5 and $10 bills. My "little" grocery stops have been around $20 regularly. Every time the total pops up I find myself standing there thinking, "why so much???" The simple answer to the question I've asked myself four times already during the first week in February as I'm trying to rush out of the store is that I have not been planning. I haven't been looking through the ads and making lists and planning my meals and purchases around what's on sale. I have just been running in, grabbing stuff like the toys R us shopping sprees we all dreamed of winning when we were children (don't tell me you didn't) but at the end of the race through the store I have to pay for all my goodies. It's not a pretty picture and nothing like winning every child of the 80's fantasy toy run. (shoot now I have to go to youtube and see if I can find that 80's ad for anyone who's starting to wonder what nonsense I'm rambling on about...)

I AM going to pull off a no spend day today. IF I can squeak through one tomorrow too then
my average daily spending for February is: $17.88.

I need to get back to skimming the ads and making lists. I'm honestly amazed at the difference in totals at checking out when you do and don't make a list before hand. If there's one thing I'm learning (and there are many more things than one) it's that planning and saving go hand in hand. All is not lost. We're only 5 weeks into 2014 and only 1 week into February. Time for this girl to pick herself up, dust herself off, and keep up the good work (or get back to it anyhow).


  1. As long as you have the food, and it's just a time crunch issue, do you have a crockpot so it can do the work while you are working?
    This all takes planning.......all this life stuff. ;-)

    1. Good idea of the later nights of work! I need to look up more recipes. I do have a crock pot and I only ever use it for two meals. More planning to do now :-)

  2. New day, new opportunities :) Hope you were able to pull off a no spend.
