Friday, May 16, 2014


My sister saw this on pinterest and sent it to me. I had to chuckle and I couldn't help but share it with you. You all know that's me. I always put stuff in my cart and talk myself out of it before I get to the check out. Always! Even if it's just a box of cookies that I convince myself are too indulgent. Good find little sis!!!

The thing I like most about this is that it's very existence in cyberspace means that I'm much more normal than I often feel, right???

Average daily spending for May: $17.38


  1. Heck I do this with cyber shopping carts. I have carts with stuff in it all over the internet that I just can't pull the trigger on. lolz

    1. haha, my husband does too! Everytime I go to amazon he's got at least 3 or 4 things hanging out in the shopping cart. hint. hint.
      I just pretend I never stopped by.
