Friday, January 2, 2015

First Day of 2015

First NO SPEND day of the year
I did not log into facebook (1 day down, 30 to go)
I listed a few items to my etsy page
I paid all the bills (for the latter half of last month)
I got rid of a big box of clutter/ junk from the basement
I think I can say "hello" correctly in Irish now (it's confusing because the pronunciation is nothing like the spelling. I've listened to a few different people say it and they say it differently, ugh)

Except for a bit too much Caillou, the first day of the year was very quite and calm here.

Average daily spending for 2015: $0

I'm going shopping today so my "average spending" will only be $0 for one day but it felt nice to type out even so.


  1. That sounds like a very, very good first day!

    1. It was quite just like I'd hoped and so it was a very good day.

  2. Sounds like a great start to a new year!!!! Hope this year is blessed for all of us!!!!

    Sue :)

    1. Absolutely! I'll be thrilled if I'm able to traverse the year noticing as many quaint, simple, lovely pieces of life as I possibly can. I'm hoping for nothing more and eager for it.

  3. Sounds like you started your year right :)
