Monday, May 13, 2019

flop flip

Sunday's WIN was getting the yard work done at my sister's house. I'd planned to help out over there on Friday so this accomplishment only came two days late.

The FAIL for the day is genuinely odd. When evening rolled round I asked Abe if he would like to do a craft with me. We don't do nearly enough crafts and I figured it'd be a good way to close out the day. Boy was I wrong. We tore little bits of construction paper to glue into the shape of a flower. He likes destructive crafting so I figured torn paper was a good route. Glue is messy and he's a big fan of messy anything. Well, little sister was determined to complicate things, get into things, be extra needy while not getting into things... lets just say she made the event eventful in the wrong sort of way. On top of that Abe didn't understand my direction at a few points and I snapped at him. Here we are trying to have a good time, make a cute art piece, and do something different with the evening and it totally went to crap. What honestly should have been a delightful spice to top off the day turned into something more like spoiled milk.

Despite things not going to plan we did end up with a lovely SPICE to top off the day. I got baby Wren to bed early (she needed it!). And (this is a repeat) since hubby was at work and since our last game of Battleship ended up a fun flop I asked my kiddo if he wanted a rematch. We really don't get much mommy Abbe time. Battleship was just what the doctor ordered (to make up for the craft gone awry). And maybe a repeat spice but still a spice none the less. Abe won.


  1. Glad Abe won. Sorry you didn't though. Ah well, I can't have it both ways.

  2. Nice spice.
    Sometimes the best intentions just don't work out but it is OK. There is always another day and another craft!
