Saturday, May 4, 2019

setting myself a may challenge

I figure if I challenge myself to post a mentally productive rambling before I stop by facebook each day I'll kill two birds with one stone as they say. I guess if you're hungry, out in the wild, living off the land, foraging for your food then killing two birds with one stone would be pretty great but after having typed the old saying out it's rather morbid. Poor little birdies.

Before I wander off into the black hole that is the internet, each day of May I'm challenging myself to post:
A Win - an accomplishment or hurdle I've overcome
A Fail - something important to me that I could have done better or didn't do at all
A Spice - something about the day that was out of the ordinary, in a positive way of course. A tasty spice not a bitter one.


  1. Replies
    1. :)
      I'm excited for May. Winter here was far too long.

  2. Your challenge is a nice one. I am going to have to start thinking of similar things in my day.

  3. I'm really looking forward to this one! Are you going to grow carrots this year? (Mine are looking good!)

    1. I have been going back and forth about whether or not I'll do a garden because I let the yard get away from me last year (with the brand new baby) and I should spend a bunch of time tackling that BUT growing food brings me so much joy that I'm pretty sure I'll plant a few things. I'm thinking zucchini. I haven't grown that before and we would eat a lot of it. But I haven't decided what I'll do yet.

    2. Zucchini or as we call them, courgettes would be good choice as they run riot and keep the weeds down as well. Abe would probably like hunting for them too as they hide under the foliage.

  4. I look forward to reading your May happenings!
