Sunday, May 5, 2019

win fail spice

Yesterday's WIN was small. But a small win is still a win. I'm happy that I found the motivation to keep focused throughout the day. Saturday's tend to be the day where I can see a million different tasks that need tackling. Being bombarded by so many different starting points causes me often to not know where to start. Then a perfectly good day slips away and I'm left feeling overwhelmed and unaccomplished. Yesterday's win meant my going to sleep last night feeling that the day was well lived.

The FAIL for the day was something I could have done differently. Our little Wren wore a large white lace bow yesterday and I couldn't have been more proud of our tremendously beautiful ten month old blessing. My mother in law was greatly humored when she asked what accident my baby girl had been in and why she was wearing a bandage on her head. I wear my every emotion on my face and anyone near could tell I was NOT humored. I should have left it there at least. But instead I made sure to point out the insult and let her know that she had been unkind.

I've always been proud of my boldness but I've also come to learn that often times it's better to not speak. No good whatsoever will come of my having made known my hurt feelings. I should have just let it go. But, don't you know there will be a next time so I will try harder when it comes.

On to the SPICE of the day. After baby girl had been put to bed and daddy fell asleep on the couch Abe and I were left to ourselves. He misses alone time with me and I don't blame him. Our little Wren turned his world upside down. It was slightly past his bedtime and I could have put him to bed but instead of following the rules, instead of getting him to sleep so I could finish the dishes and get myself in bed (one of my very favorite parts of the day) we stayed up together and played Battleship.

To be honest, I wish I could say, "Oh, yeah we play board games all the time. At least once a week." But no. That's just one of the MANY, many, manyyyyyy things in life that permanently sit on a mile long list of things that would be nice to do regularly. This is where I could go off and list hundreds of "I wish I had time" things. Nope. Last night playing Battleship with my young man was totally a spice of life. He had a blast. I had a ton of fun. We didn't even finish the game when I was about to win because he accidently tipped his board over. We were able to laugh about it and then sit together and snuggle awhile. We were able to enjoy really great quality time together, just the two of us and we didn't even have to go anywhere to get away from dad and sister. Win, win, win, fantastic spice!