This is my money story but wow I've written for almost 5 months and I've hardly said a word about who I am.
I enjoy reading and thinking and art. I prefer to read history and especially Irish history and the more I learn the more I realize that I know very little which inspires me to seek further information. I'm beyond fascinated by the world that came before me and how much of an impact it's being had on mine. I feel a bit empty when I neglect books. (I HATED reading until I was... maybe 23, school always made it a dreaded chore) My favorite book is the Holy Bible.
I like to sew (even though I'm horrid at it and I have NO technic and everything I create is done so by hand because my grandmothers sewing machine misses her and revolts every single time I touch it). I mainly sew blankets and pillows and skirts and scrappy stuffed creatures that I create with left over bits of material. It's fun watching something emerge from the plain flat pieces of fabric.
I draw, mostly faces and
LOVE taking photographs. I recently purchased a pretty decent digital cannon and it's great fun and I've gotten some pretty neat photos with it BUT I wish that film weren't a thing of the past because film is awesome. (every photo I've posted to this blog is my own)
I am someone who finds peace and calm in the beauty of this amazing world. The little things like leaves finally blooming on the trees and my backyard smelling like lilacs, sunrises, sunsets, stars; I love the grass, the beautiful green invigorates me; every single day is different, unique and beautiful with it's own miraculous moments. If I weren't awoken by the sound of birds singing in my backyard or the sight of billions of tiny white snowflakes transforming the world or the smell of the rainstorm that raged through the night (well you get the idea) I'm not sure how I'd make it in this world.

I am 30... 31 (for some reason I don't remember that last year happening) and I've been married for (almost) 9 years. We haven't any kids but we kind of do. Our two little dogs and one fat cat are our babies. Don't get me wrong I want kids probably more then anything, yep ANYTHING. But apparently we're not quite ready. I adore my husband. He's horrible with money but he's my best friend, the greatest person I know, the only one in the world who'd be able to put up with me everyday for life, and truly he's the other half of me. I'd be absolutely and completely half of a person without that man.

This is getting long... however I must re-iterate, and if you've been reading this blog these two things you already know about me: I LOVE food and coffee (I am drinking a delicious Guatemalan brew at the moment). I know I've also mentioned I love to travel. That last desire comes from my utmost respect for the beauty of this world and my desire to see every last bit of it. I left a little bit of my heart in Guatemala during the 4 weeks I spent there. Also, I enjoy writing : )
I've saved it for last but I must say that although I don't believe the world will be ending today I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe whole heartily in God, in Jesus, in the Holy Spirit and these beliefs are a HUGE enormous HUGE part of who I am.
Thank-you for continuing to read my story and I LOVE your comments!