Sunday, November 13, 2011

45 Goals

There are one and one half months left till 2012. That gives me one and one half months to prepare for the upcoming boxing match. I'm going to take Keshling's advice and get a jump start on the New Year's resolutions. Why wait?

For the next 45 days(ish) I'm going to implement 45 goals to begin right off and carry through the new year. At present I've no idea what they'll be. Today's goal starting now and carrying through all of next year is to balance the check book every day. I really only get into trouble when I take a few days off from this task. It needs to be done EVERYDAY and starting today I'm on a mission.

45 Goals
1. Balance the checkbook everyday


  1. Wow, that's a huge goal in itself! Good luck :)

  2. If you accomplish this let me know how, I hate balancing the check books!

  3. thats a good goal to start with, it does help you keep a closer track of things. good luck with the 45!

  4. I love this plan! I can't wait to see what else you have on the list. :-)
