Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NO SPEND cheat

Today was NO SPEND day 10 for the year BUT I picked up some groceries before heading home from work. I had $12 in store rewards and I used the $12 to pick up a few things. I'll tell you, it's pretty fun shopping without spending any money.

I was really tempted to use the store rewards on some great clearance items I've been noticing this week but I did the responsible thing instead. I pretty much just picked up some odds and ends for my kiddo: juice, granola bars, Ovaltine; stuff along those lines, but I'll be able to pull off another no spend day tomorrow now too. I'll get some of the clearance items later depending on where my average daily spending is at towards the end of the month and if they're still around.

When I got home my husband informed me that he used a gift card from his grandma (from Christmas) to get some steaks, hot sauce, and beer from the local meat market. Woohoo, that's a free dinner I hadn't planned... although, I am horrible at cooking steaks. It's looking to be a pretty great no spend day on this, the 20th of January.

Average daily spending for 2015: $16.47


  1. I don't consider that a cheat at all - if you don't put out any money out of pocket - NO CHEAT :)

    I took a friend to the hospital to have a procedure done and she (without my knowing) left an IHOP gift card in my car so not only did I not SPEND money, I got some :) At least now when we eat out it won't be from our pockets! Also did NOT drive through somewhere after dropping her off - came home and ate lunch! Baby steps, right!!!

    Sue :)

    1. This comment makes me smile so much! How neat about the gift card and baby steps... TOTALLY! Way to go!

  2. You and James are so alike. He loves Ovaltine and we are rarely without it.
    I am also loving MPerks. I have earned so much money with them. I bought a lot of Christmas present for free with my reward money!

    1. Not sure why, but it makes me really happy to know that you guys always have Ovaltine in the house too :D We aren't allowed to run out (mostly for Abner's sake). It's so good!
      I feel like I've missed out on hundreds of dollars by not getting Mperks sooner. It's so awesome!!!! I knew it was digital coupons but I had no idea about the rewards... if you told me before I must have not understood. They are amazing!
