Monday, November 28, 2011

Today I Tackle Sugar

I thought about this one while attempting to sleep last night. What a horrible night tossing and turning and thinking, thinking, thinking. Hello Monday (snarl)!

Coffee and Sugar are two necessities (at least for me); two things that brighten my life. Everyday I tend to pick up a 79 cent candy bar or something sweet from bulk foods for under a dollar. If I really have no will power I'll buy a thing of cookies or a brownie or a donut to enjoy throughout the day. We don't ever have sweets in the house but I like to make a half batch of cookies, mix up some chocolate pudding, or pick up a bit of light ice cream for after dinner. Actually we love stopping by Wendy's for small frosty's to top us off after dinner. In other words we tend to have some sort of dessert at least every other night of the week and I usually have something sweet while working.

Today I'm instituting goal number 13: A 50 cent daily sugar allowance. I guess I have a cash envelope for sugar now; $3.50 a week. This one could be really good for the budget, after all every little bit helps. If I'm spending a bit less on sugar, just like if I'm spending a bit less on coffee then my daily spending allowance will be able to stretch farther. I could get really creative with this and probably not cut out as much sugar as I'd like. If I bake more at home and bring treats with me to work that'll help the spending. This is one of the goals I just may fail miserably at but I'm interested in taking on the challenge. So, here goes.

So far this week I've been doing quite well with the cash envelope and the budget (and most of the 45... well 13 at present). One really great thing about using cash is knowing that nothing is happening with the checking account. It makes balancing the checkbook (notebook) really easy.


45 Daily Goals for 2012
1. Balance the checkbook everyday
2. Get rid of something useless everyday
3. Throw some change in the Christmas jar everyday
4. Cash envelope it!
5. Cook everyday/ Don't eat out (one weekly allowance)
6. Stretch please
7. Write down EVERY purchase
8. Sorry, no coffee shop coffee today
9. Really sincerely thank someone today
10. Set aside $2 for future purchases
11. Designate $2 for the peanut
12. There's $10 for spending today
13. Remember your 50 cent sugar allowance


  1. What about baking then freezing the treats, so you defrost as you need them & they will potentially last longer? I make homemade granola bars for snacks, & find that we go through them ridiculously fast unless I freeze them.
