Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Week of Beauty

I've recovered from yesterday's gloom. The house seems a bit more chipper (and clean) today. I've yet to spend money but I'm pretty sure we'll be visiting the new baby and his blessed parents so I'm anticipating some sort of purchase coming up quickly.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here while my babe naps, attempting to be quiet as a mouse. Baby Abe is a VERY light sleeper which gives me a good excuse to blog, pin, check facebook, and sit on my bum while he's napping. I'm pinning away as facebook is super boring lately and I'm feeling oddly encouraged and uplifted by all those motivational signs and also beautiful photographs others have pinned.
This one makes me unbelievably giddy.
And then suddenly I think, "I'm making one of these neato sign things this week!" Easy peasy right? Just takes a little effort. And then I'm thinking, "and I'll take a gorgeous photograph as well." Instead of just pinning them, I'm going to create! Discover, see, and create. I'm not going to be making crafty stuff and turning my home into a magazine. I'm not saying I'll be attempting all my pins. I just want this week to focus on beauty, lovely, happy stuff and doing.
This week:
Find happy.
Snap a beautiful photograph.
Make one of those neato wordy sign picture things.
Post a Lovelies blog written by you guys/ gals... $12 a day readers.Let good thoughts shine out of your face like sunbeams  : )

And, GO!


  1. I love Pinterest too! Always find some inspiration there :)

  2. Pinterest is neat :) Looking forward to seeing what you create.
