Saturday, January 18, 2014

Full Disclosure

We have a new microwave. My husband broke down and demanded that we purchase one. He can't cook to save his life. He actually said it like this, "hey honey, how about I take you out on the town tomorrow night... (long pause, big smile) to buy a microwave with Abe." I found a really nice one of suitable size for $61. I haven't actually ever purchased a microwave (the one that just died was a wedding gift) so I thought $61 was really good. I'm not including the purchase in my spending though. Sorry if this peeves anyone. Since I'm VERY open about ALL of my purchases I wanted to make sure everyone knew the microwave has been bought. I'm lumping it in with home expenses this year (which would basically involve the mortgage, equity line and giant things like house repairs).

I have to say if I purchased a new fridge or a new stove or a new set of front steps (we need new steps) I wouldn't take those out of my "$12 a day" either. My additional reasoning behind not pulling this purchase from my monthly spending budget is that I could have lived without it but my husband was suffering. I have resolved to take more of a hit with "my spending" this year when the dear man brings home dinner or grocery items that I had no say in whatsoever but I'm not claiming the microwave.

In related news I paid for the sucker in cash. I have not "borrowed," used a credit card, or gone into overdraft this year. The bills have thus far been paid on time. And this is my very first "non-consumable" purchase of the year. Mark the microwave down as numero uno stuff purchase of 2014. I expect my next "stuff" purchase to be a bathmat of some sort. Ours is getting icky. I'm waiting till there's some room for it in the budget but it is planned as of now as purchase number 2. Would anyone recommend the decal type things you stick to the tub instead of a bathmat? I feel like I buy about 2 bathmats a year and I hate it. Those decal things are more expensive but I feel like you wouldn't have to replace them virtually ever. Thoughts? (Again, I could easily live without a bathmat in the tub but my husband insists that he'll break his head open without one.)

I'm hoping for no spend days tomorrow and Monday. I've factored these into the below average thus far.

Average daily spending this year: $16.12

Today's lovely: Morning coffee with a good friend. I can't remember the last time I sat down at a coffee shop with a friend. It was great.


  1. I wouldn't include it either. It is a home expense.

    1. Thank-you. That's really how I feel about it.

  2. Congratulations on the new microwave! :)
    reading the day's lovely all I could think was Leaf and Bean Holland :)

    1. I have to admit it's amazing being able to warm up my coffee again (without putting it in a pan on the stove and burning the creamer)
      Leaf and Bean and JP's!!! Someday we'll meet for a long coffee talk again.

  3. Appliance acquisition is fully a household expense and not a monthly household budget item.

    RE: bath mat. Have you tried scrubbing the old one and using bleach and/or CLR? If you have hard water the CLR should clear up the mineral deposits that can make it look "dirty" and bleach will kill any mold/mildew and such.
    I'd stay away from those stick-on bath things....unless you enjoy trying to razorblade them off w/out ruining the finish on your tub once you go to sell your house. IF they last that experience w/those is that they start deteriorating and chipping off and can be uncomfortable on your feet and look nasty.

    1. Excellent input, thank-you! I've never used those decal things so I'm grateful indeed for your thoughts and will not be purchasing them now. AND I'm going to break out the bleach on our current mat. It's fully intact but its got a few mold spots and mold freaks me out. If the bleach will kill it then I'm more than happy to keep using the thing until it's really shot.

      I shall try and live up to your purple standards yet!

  4. We have never ever had a bathmat.I have made it 38 years without wiping out in the tub. I would save your money and live dangerously :)

    1. I grew up without one too. My husband on the other hand... I made him go one day without one a few years ago and he honest to goodness fell. No joke.

  5. You can wash the mat in the washing machine. I did that every few weeks or so when we used one.

    1. I bought a pretty cheap mat last time and I'm afraid to stick it in the washer. I'm pretty sure it said it was machine washable but the stupid HE washer sounds like a jet blasting off in the basement when it does the spin cycle. I'm worried the mat will fall apart during the blast off.
