Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year Challenges

I've yet to post a New Years Resolutions list. I like such lists but they're also very overwhelming. And sometimes I feel like my lists set me up to fail. I have been thinking though about a few different things that I'd really like to accomplish this year.

I LOVE writing Thanksgiving thank-you notes. It's one of my favorite things of the year. I also love sending out Christmas cards but these two time consuming favorites happen very close together. This year I'm challenging myself to write and address one thanksgiving thank-you every week until November. I won't seal or stamp the envelopes until Thanksgiving (that way I can read through them each if I'd like to come Thanksgiving). Then I can hand them or mail them all out when the time comes. As for my Christmas cards. I'd like to purchase about 60 stamps before December so I don't have to deal with that expense during the most expensive month of the year.

On that note Birthday cards and mail are just great. I want to mail one Birthday card a month this year. But it has to be homemade. I guess I really want to shine a little extra light into lives of people I care about this year.

Also, I love my 45 daily goals. I want to work on making habit out of my 45 daily goals.

I'd LOVE to get the Credit Card debt under $15500 and I'd like to shoot for 100 no spend days this year.

So basically my New Years resolution is to stick to a $12 a day budget and buy alot of stamps : )

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