Friday, November 1, 2013

Vacuum Bag Plus Boxcutter Plus Duct Tape

Earlier this week I embarked on a mini career as a hair stylist. Today I attempted surgery. I just removed a large animal from my vacuum bag. Miniature Schnauzers aren't really supposed to shed. They're basically hypo allergenic. We really never find their hair around our house but what in the world was that compact giant ball of gross that I just removed from the vacuum bag? Eeew!

A few years back when we got new carpet (Very neat story: The dog attacked a purple pen. The homeowners insurance replaced our carpet.) my mother in law gave us her used vacuum and she upgraded to a nicer one. The vacuum she gave us is really very nice but it does require bags. And as expensive car repairs go with expensive cars, apparently expensive vacuum bags go with expensive vacuums. I really cannot splurge on bags that I collect our carpet crud in right now.

I wouldn't recommend this little surgery to anyone as the bag is likely to burst but I have successfully vacuumed the entire house and the duct tape is still strongly intact. In fact it seems I've gotten a much deeper clean than has been accomplished in a long time as there's been a large animal living inside the vacuum for far too long.

I feel successful. Now off to work. And then the weekend!

Tomorrow (with daylight savings time) is the longest day of the year and it's a Saturday. How lovely!


  1. That's one of my frugal hacks.....emptying full vacuum cleaner bags and reusing them. People will tell you NOT to do that, as a used bag won't filter as well but I think they still work enough to do this a time or two per bag.

    1. I'm SO glad other people do this! I've never heard of it before but now I'm kind of mad at myself for not having done it earlier. It works so well.

  2. I have done this before, good for you!

    1. Yay! We're the cool kids, you, me, and sluggy : )
